The hedgehogs in my garden have multiplied and grown fat. Mrs Hedges and her four babies continued to feed at all hours of the day and night, evidently nesting under my brushwood pile. Then one of them appeared several days running on its own, foraging by day. It started to move oddly and I called a hedgehog rescue charity. They said it must be ill and that hedgehogs are only active by day if they are ill or injured. I handed over Bumblepig (the daywalker) to them and they advised me that if any others showed up by day they should be picked up, put in a box and taken to a rescue centre or a vet.
So today, for the first time since Bumblepig left, one of the younglings appeared foraging quite blatantly at midday. It seemed quite confident and healthy but bearing in mind the advice I'd been given I got a cardboard box, put it in it and called the vet. The vet said that if it didn't seem sick or injured I should call the RSPCA and they gave me the phone number. By this time the youngster was so full of beans that it was climbing out of the box and I had to move it into a travel cage for guinea pigs and hamsters. It pooped a fair bit, tried to escape by climbing, pushing its nose through the bars and biting them (they are coated so it wasn't hurt, don't worry), and showed every sign of being fit as a flea. The RSPCA said that daytime foraging is actually normal because sometimes they can't find enough food a night, and if the animal is a healthy weight (which if I'm any judge it is, felt the same to me as just over half a kilo of flour), not injured or evidently sick, let it go but maybe give it some extra food first. They recommended dog food (NOT fish based), ground up dog biscuits, minced meat or liver. It had been eating dried mealworms fallen from the bird feeder tray and they said that wouldn't hurt it but hedgies get much of their fluid from their food so make sure there is water available (there always is). They said I should only worry if it shows up three or more days in a row. So I fed the little chap and away it went into the shrubbery - then came out and started eating mealworms again.
So here's my problem. The rescue charity said ANY hedgie that shows up by day is in trouble, get them to help the first time you see them. The RSPCA said it's no big deal and wait till it shows up more than a couple of times before worrying. Who do I trust? I don't want any more getting sick, but I don't want to kidnap one that is simply doing its own thing. Any experts out there who can help?
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Thursday, 6 August 2015
Sunday, 12 July 2015
King Louis
Here's the partner to Marie Antoinette, King Louis.
Yarn - Twinkle DK approx 20g white and 10g lilac; Goldfingering light gold, 10g; Pearl DK 20g white; cream DK 15g.
Hook / Needles - 2.5mm
Sundries - toy eyes, toy stuffing, narrow black ribbon, velcro, stick on pearls, black fabric paint.
INSTRUCTIONS (Given in UK notation)
Work as for Marie Antoinette using cream. Using black fabric paint make moustache and beard.
Work as for Marie (Pearl DK) until both side rolls are complete. To work back reattach yarn to wider section between rolls. Work 1 row dc, then dec at each end of next 4 rows. On last row work dc to centre back, then make 5 chain. Dc on these chain, ss into same stitch and then complete row as normal and fasten off. Decorate with black ribbon. Stitch to head.
Work as for Marie. Stitch to neck and then stitch velcro to bottom of neck.
Using white Twinkle work as for head to end rd 1. Rd 2; inc in all stitches. 24. Rd 3; dc. Rd 4; dc in back loops only. Rd 5; (dc2, dec 1) to end. 18. Rd 6; dc. Switch to goldfingering. Rd 7; dc. Ss to finish off. Using goldfingering reattach yarn to gold row and work surface crochet line up one side, across top and down the other. Repeat so you are dividing crown into quarters, but on this line work as follows where the lines cross: Ch 3, dc into 3rd chain, dc into same stitch as ch. Fasten off, stuff crown and stitch to head.
Using lilac Twinkle work as for Marie to Rd 3. Rd 4 -8; dc. Switch to white Twinkle. Rds 9 - 11; dc. Rd 12; (dc 2, dec 1) to end. 18. Stuff. Rd 13; dc 9, ss across to 1st stitch of round forming a tube. Dc 4 rds on these 9 stitches and fasten off leaving long tail. Reattach yarn to unused stitches and work a tube as before. Stuff breeches leaving space to insert lower legs.
LEGS AND FEET (make 2)
Work as for Marie’s legs using lilac twinkle for shoes and Pearl for stockings. Stuff, insert leg ends into breeches and stitch firmly with tail ends.
Using goldfingering work line of surface crochet around waist, starting at centre front. Ss to complete ring then crochet up front and round neck. Fasten off. Using goldfingering embroider a line for pockets, and buckles on shows. Add narrow black ribbon at side of breeches at knee. Stick on tiny pearls for buttons on waistcoat.
ARMS (make 2)
Work as for Marie using White Twinkle instead of Pearl and Pearl for cuffs.
Using white Twinkle make 21 chain. Work 2 rows dc on these chain. On next row dc 2, chain 5, skip 5 stitches, dc 7, htr to end. On next row htr 7, dc to end working 1 dc into each chain. Work 5 rows of dc at top, htr (if this is not wide enough for your doll work more, or less if it is too wide). Work another 5dc armhole to match first, then 3 rows dc. Fasten off. Slipe coat over arms. Roll back neck and stitch down, then stitch around armholes. Sew velcro to top of body.
Yarn - Twinkle DK approx 20g white and 10g lilac; Goldfingering light gold, 10g; Pearl DK 20g white; cream DK 15g.
Hook / Needles - 2.5mm
Sundries - toy eyes, toy stuffing, narrow black ribbon, velcro, stick on pearls, black fabric paint.
INSTRUCTIONS (Given in UK notation)
Work as for Marie Antoinette using cream. Using black fabric paint make moustache and beard.
Work as for Marie (Pearl DK) until both side rolls are complete. To work back reattach yarn to wider section between rolls. Work 1 row dc, then dec at each end of next 4 rows. On last row work dc to centre back, then make 5 chain. Dc on these chain, ss into same stitch and then complete row as normal and fasten off. Decorate with black ribbon. Stitch to head.
Work as for Marie. Stitch to neck and then stitch velcro to bottom of neck.
Using white Twinkle work as for head to end rd 1. Rd 2; inc in all stitches. 24. Rd 3; dc. Rd 4; dc in back loops only. Rd 5; (dc2, dec 1) to end. 18. Rd 6; dc. Switch to goldfingering. Rd 7; dc. Ss to finish off. Using goldfingering reattach yarn to gold row and work surface crochet line up one side, across top and down the other. Repeat so you are dividing crown into quarters, but on this line work as follows where the lines cross: Ch 3, dc into 3rd chain, dc into same stitch as ch. Fasten off, stuff crown and stitch to head.
Using lilac Twinkle work as for Marie to Rd 3. Rd 4 -8; dc. Switch to white Twinkle. Rds 9 - 11; dc. Rd 12; (dc 2, dec 1) to end. 18. Stuff. Rd 13; dc 9, ss across to 1st stitch of round forming a tube. Dc 4 rds on these 9 stitches and fasten off leaving long tail. Reattach yarn to unused stitches and work a tube as before. Stuff breeches leaving space to insert lower legs.
LEGS AND FEET (make 2)
Work as for Marie’s legs using lilac twinkle for shoes and Pearl for stockings. Stuff, insert leg ends into breeches and stitch firmly with tail ends.
Using goldfingering work line of surface crochet around waist, starting at centre front. Ss to complete ring then crochet up front and round neck. Fasten off. Using goldfingering embroider a line for pockets, and buckles on shows. Add narrow black ribbon at side of breeches at knee. Stick on tiny pearls for buttons on waistcoat.
ARMS (make 2)
Work as for Marie using White Twinkle instead of Pearl and Pearl for cuffs.
Using white Twinkle make 21 chain. Work 2 rows dc on these chain. On next row dc 2, chain 5, skip 5 stitches, dc 7, htr to end. On next row htr 7, dc to end working 1 dc into each chain. Work 5 rows of dc at top, htr (if this is not wide enough for your doll work more, or less if it is too wide). Work another 5dc armhole to match first, then 3 rows dc. Fasten off. Slipe coat over arms. Roll back neck and stitch down, then stitch around armholes. Sew velcro to top of body.
Sunday, 5 July 2015
Bastille Day is almost here!
Quatorze Juillet is almost here and I have been making some decorations for the day.
Besides the bunting I'm making amigurumi figures for a display; Marie Antoinette and King Louis will be facing the wrath of a couple of revolutionary peasants (the lady complete with knitting for keeping busy beside the guillotine). Marie and Louis have detachable heads held on by velcro. My mother says I have a macabre sense of humour but my daughter says that's a good thing, so there you go.
Yarn - Cream DK, small amount; white and lilac Twinkle DK, about 20g each; Goldfingering light gold, about 10g; white Pearl DK, about 20g
Hook / Needles - 2.5mm
Sundries - toy stuffing, 6 or 8mm toy safety eyes (blue or black), small amount of Velcro, very small stick-on gems or pearls, black fabric paint, narrow pink ribbon
INSTRUCTIONS (Given in UK notation)
Using cream DK, make a magic ring and work 6 dc into it. Rd 1; inc all round. 12. Rd 2; (dc 1, inc 1) to end. 18. Rd 3; (dc 2, inc 1) to end. 24. Rd 4: (dc 3, inc 1) to end. 30. Rds 5 - 8; dc. Rd 9: (dc 3, dec 1). 24. Rd 10: (dc 2, dec 1). 18. Insert safety eyes, positioning at about Rd 4 approx 5 stitches apart. Rd 11; (dc1, dec 1). 12. Stuff carefully, making sure you get stuffing between eyes. Rd 12; dec all round. 6. Rds 13 - 14; dc. Fasten off leaving long tail, run tail through last six stitches and sew in tight.
Using white Pearl work as for head to end of rd 4. Rds 5 - 6; dc. Rd 7; dc 4, turn. [Work 3 rows dc on these 4 stitches, then ss the last row to the first forming a roll. Ch1, dc into the same 4 stitches and make 2 more rolls. ] Fasten off. Skip 8 stitches on main part of wig and reattach yarn. Work 4 dc, and repeat from [ to ]. Fasten off and reattach yarn on other side of rolls. Work one row dc, turn. On next 3 rows decrease 1 at each end, fasten off. For beehive (pompadour) work 4 dc in a magic ring. Rd 1; inc all round. 8. Rd 2; (dc 1, inc 1) to end. 12. Rd 3; dc. Rd 4; (dc 2, inc 1) to end. 16. Rd 5; dc. Rd 6: (dc 3, inc 1) to end. 20. Rd 7; dc. Rd 8; (dc3, dec 1) to end. 16. Fasten off, stuff, and sew to top of wig. Decorate with stick on gems, beads or pearls, make bows with narrow pink ribbon above the rolls and at front base of pompadour. Stitch to head.
Using Goldfingering light gold make 5 chain. Dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc into each chain to end. 4. Chain 3, ss into first chain (picot). Dc into back loops of last row. Turn. Work alternate rows of picot row/ back loop row till you have 12 picots. Slipstitch first row to last and fasten off leaving a long tail. Run tail through the row ends on the non-picot side and pull up till ruff forms ring. Stitch to bottom of head. Now stitch one piece of the Velcro to neck in centre of ruff, so ruff hides it.
Using lilac Twinkle make magic ring. Work as for head to Rd 3. Rds 4 - 5; dc. Rd 6; (dc 2, dec 1) to end. 18. Rd 7; dc. Switch to white Twinkle. Rd 8; dc through back loops. Rd 9; (dc 2, inc 1) to end. 24. Rd 10 - 12; dc. Rd 13; (dc 2, dec 1) to end. 18. Rd 14; (dc 1, dec 1) to end. 12. Stuff body. Rd 15; dec all round, fasten off, draw up and pull tight.
LEGS (make 2)
Using lilac Twinkle make 5 chain. Dc into 2nd chain from hook and into next 2 chain. Into last chain work 3 dc, then turn and work down other side as follows; dc 2 into next 2 chain, 2dc into last chain. 10. Rd 1; dc. Rd 2; dc 3, dec 2, dc 3. 8. Rd 3; dc 2, dec 2, dc 2. 6. Fasten off lilac, switch to white Pearl, stuff foot. Dc 7 rounds, stuffing as you go. Fasten off and stitch to bottom of body.
Using white Twinkle reattach yarn to front loops of body Rd 8. Dc all round. Rd 1; (c 3, inc 1) to end. 30. Rd 2; increase to 36 stitches, not evenly but clustering 3 inc stitches at each side of body. Where the increases come will depend on where you reattached the yarn. Rd 3; increase again to 42, clustering inc stitches at sides as before. [ds 4 - 5; dc. Rd 6; dc in back loops only. ] Repeat [ to ] 3 times. Fasten off white and switch to lilac Twinkle. Last rd; (dc 2; into next st work htr, tr, htr) to end. Fasten off, sew in ends. Sew oither section of Velcro on top at neck. Reattach lilac Twinkle to first round worked through back loops and work into front loops as follows; (c, ch3, miss 1 dc, dc) to end. Repeat this into the other missed front loop rounds, alternating Goldfingering and lilac Twinkle. Finally work another frill round around the posts of the last white round, working the fans at the low points between the lilac fans.
ARMS (make 2). Using cream make magic ring, work 6 dc into it. Rd 1; (dc 1, inc 1). 9. Rd 2; dc. Rd 3; (dc 1, dec 1) to end. 6. Change to white Pearl. Rd 4; dc through back loops only. Rd 5 -10; dc. Fasten off and stuff. Attach lilac Twinkle to missed front loops and work (dc, htr, tr, htr) into each stitch. Fasten off. Sew arms to body.
Using Goldfingering make 2 ch. Work 2 dc into 2nd chain from hook. Turn. Inc in each stitch. 4. Continue to turn and inc 1 at each row end until you have 10 stitches. Last row; (c, ch3, skip in dc, dc) to end. Fasten off. Starch fan. When it is dry, sew to hand.
Marie and her spouse King Louis - before the revolution.
Besides the bunting I'm making amigurumi figures for a display; Marie Antoinette and King Louis will be facing the wrath of a couple of revolutionary peasants (the lady complete with knitting for keeping busy beside the guillotine). Marie and Louis have detachable heads held on by velcro. My mother says I have a macabre sense of humour but my daughter says that's a good thing, so there you go.
Yarn - Cream DK, small amount; white and lilac Twinkle DK, about 20g each; Goldfingering light gold, about 10g; white Pearl DK, about 20g
Hook / Needles - 2.5mm
Sundries - toy stuffing, 6 or 8mm toy safety eyes (blue or black), small amount of Velcro, very small stick-on gems or pearls, black fabric paint, narrow pink ribbon
INSTRUCTIONS (Given in UK notation)
Using cream DK, make a magic ring and work 6 dc into it. Rd 1; inc all round. 12. Rd 2; (dc 1, inc 1) to end. 18. Rd 3; (dc 2, inc 1) to end. 24. Rd 4: (dc 3, inc 1) to end. 30. Rds 5 - 8; dc. Rd 9: (dc 3, dec 1). 24. Rd 10: (dc 2, dec 1). 18. Insert safety eyes, positioning at about Rd 4 approx 5 stitches apart. Rd 11; (dc1, dec 1). 12. Stuff carefully, making sure you get stuffing between eyes. Rd 12; dec all round. 6. Rds 13 - 14; dc. Fasten off leaving long tail, run tail through last six stitches and sew in tight.
Using white Pearl work as for head to end of rd 4. Rds 5 - 6; dc. Rd 7; dc 4, turn. [Work 3 rows dc on these 4 stitches, then ss the last row to the first forming a roll. Ch1, dc into the same 4 stitches and make 2 more rolls. ] Fasten off. Skip 8 stitches on main part of wig and reattach yarn. Work 4 dc, and repeat from [ to ]. Fasten off and reattach yarn on other side of rolls. Work one row dc, turn. On next 3 rows decrease 1 at each end, fasten off. For beehive (pompadour) work 4 dc in a magic ring. Rd 1; inc all round. 8. Rd 2; (dc 1, inc 1) to end. 12. Rd 3; dc. Rd 4; (dc 2, inc 1) to end. 16. Rd 5; dc. Rd 6: (dc 3, inc 1) to end. 20. Rd 7; dc. Rd 8; (dc3, dec 1) to end. 16. Fasten off, stuff, and sew to top of wig. Decorate with stick on gems, beads or pearls, make bows with narrow pink ribbon above the rolls and at front base of pompadour. Stitch to head.
Using Goldfingering light gold make 5 chain. Dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc into each chain to end. 4. Chain 3, ss into first chain (picot). Dc into back loops of last row. Turn. Work alternate rows of picot row/ back loop row till you have 12 picots. Slipstitch first row to last and fasten off leaving a long tail. Run tail through the row ends on the non-picot side and pull up till ruff forms ring. Stitch to bottom of head. Now stitch one piece of the Velcro to neck in centre of ruff, so ruff hides it.
Using lilac Twinkle make magic ring. Work as for head to Rd 3. Rds 4 - 5; dc. Rd 6; (dc 2, dec 1) to end. 18. Rd 7; dc. Switch to white Twinkle. Rd 8; dc through back loops. Rd 9; (dc 2, inc 1) to end. 24. Rd 10 - 12; dc. Rd 13; (dc 2, dec 1) to end. 18. Rd 14; (dc 1, dec 1) to end. 12. Stuff body. Rd 15; dec all round, fasten off, draw up and pull tight.
LEGS (make 2)
Using lilac Twinkle make 5 chain. Dc into 2nd chain from hook and into next 2 chain. Into last chain work 3 dc, then turn and work down other side as follows; dc 2 into next 2 chain, 2dc into last chain. 10. Rd 1; dc. Rd 2; dc 3, dec 2, dc 3. 8. Rd 3; dc 2, dec 2, dc 2. 6. Fasten off lilac, switch to white Pearl, stuff foot. Dc 7 rounds, stuffing as you go. Fasten off and stitch to bottom of body.
Using white Twinkle reattach yarn to front loops of body Rd 8. Dc all round. Rd 1; (c 3, inc 1) to end. 30. Rd 2; increase to 36 stitches, not evenly but clustering 3 inc stitches at each side of body. Where the increases come will depend on where you reattached the yarn. Rd 3; increase again to 42, clustering inc stitches at sides as before. [ds 4 - 5; dc. Rd 6; dc in back loops only. ] Repeat [ to ] 3 times. Fasten off white and switch to lilac Twinkle. Last rd; (dc 2; into next st work htr, tr, htr) to end. Fasten off, sew in ends. Sew oither section of Velcro on top at neck. Reattach lilac Twinkle to first round worked through back loops and work into front loops as follows; (c, ch3, miss 1 dc, dc) to end. Repeat this into the other missed front loop rounds, alternating Goldfingering and lilac Twinkle. Finally work another frill round around the posts of the last white round, working the fans at the low points between the lilac fans.
ARMS (make 2). Using cream make magic ring, work 6 dc into it. Rd 1; (dc 1, inc 1). 9. Rd 2; dc. Rd 3; (dc 1, dec 1) to end. 6. Change to white Pearl. Rd 4; dc through back loops only. Rd 5 -10; dc. Fasten off and stuff. Attach lilac Twinkle to missed front loops and work (dc, htr, tr, htr) into each stitch. Fasten off. Sew arms to body.
Using Goldfingering make 2 ch. Work 2 dc into 2nd chain from hook. Turn. Inc in each stitch. 4. Continue to turn and inc 1 at each row end until you have 10 stitches. Last row; (c, ch3, skip in dc, dc) to end. Fasten off. Starch fan. When it is dry, sew to hand.
Marie and her spouse King Louis - before the revolution.
Saturday, 27 June 2015
Hedgehogs everywhere!
It turns out I was mistaken - Mr Hedges was actually Mrs Hedges. You can't see them terribly well but there are actually two baby hedgehogs in this picture; the other evening they, and their slimmed down mum, were foraging quite openly in my garden. We were so taken with the adorable twins that we didn't notice mum at first, but then we realised there were three sets of scuffing, grunting, chewing sounds. One baby actually crawled into an upturned watering can to raid the slugs, snails and woodlice in there. I was worried it might get stuck, but it got out just fine and I never use anything harmful like pesticides when I water. I suspect there are actually more of them because the plants in the back of my garden were shaking in exactly the same way as the ones where we saw the trio feeding. So happy to see them having such a good time.
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Under the weather...
I've not been feeling too good this week, pollen highs have really affected my sinus trouble and made life hell. Still, cheered myself up making this fruity little cluster to hang off my daughter's new college bag - when we get the bag, that is!
Thursday, 11 June 2015
RIP Sir Christopher Lee
I was deeply saddened by the news of the death of Christopher Lee today. He had a good, long life, but it still doesn't seem long enough. Still, for me he will remain forever that tall, dark and awesome idol of my teens - like Dracula, he will never truly age or die as long as there is one movie left to watch. A wonderful man, a wonderful actor.
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Topsy-Turvy Hello Kitty Doll
Here's another of my crochet patterns. This angelic Hello Kitty doll hides a secret -
inside she's a bit of a devil!
Yarn - 50g each of white, black, red and lilac; small amounts black and white Twinkle or other sparkling yarn)
Hook / Needles - 3 mm
Sundries - 4 toy eyes, 2 noses (or black and yellow felt), toy stuffing
INSTRUCTIONS (Given in UK notation)
HEAD (make 2 - one white, one red)
Begin with Head A in red.
Make 11 chain. Rd 1; work 1 dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc into next 8 chain, 3 dc into last chain. Turn the work and work down the other side of the base chain - 8 dc, inc in last stitch. 22 stitches. Rd 2; inc 1, dc 8, inc 3, dc 8, inc 2. 28. Rd 3; Inc 1, dc 9, inc 1, dc 1, inc 1, dc 1, inc 1, dc 9, inc 1, dc 1, inc 1, dc 1. 34. Rd 4; inc 1, dc 10, inc 1, dc 2, inc 1, dc 2, inc 1, dc 10, inc 1, dc 2, inc 1, dc 2. 40. Rd 5: inc 1, dc 11, inc 1, dc 3, inc 1, dc 3, inc 1, dc 11, inc 1, dc 3, inc 1, dc 3. 46. Rd 6; dc. Rd 7: inc 1, dc 12, inc 1, dc 4, inc 1, dc 4, inc 1, dc 12, inc 1, dc 4, inc 1, dc 4. 52. Rd 8; dc. Rd 9: inc 1, dc 13, inc 1, dc 5, inc 1, dc 5, inc 1, dc 13, inc 1, dc 5, inc 1, dc 5. 58. Rd 10 - 12: dc. Rd 13; dec 1, dc 13, dec 1, dc 5, dec 1, dc 5, dec 1, dc 13, dec 1, dc 5, dec 1, dc 5, 52. Rd 14; dc. Rd 15: dec 1, dc 12, dec 1, dc 4, dec 1, dc 4, dec 1, dc 12, dec 1, dc 4, dec 1, dc 4. 46. Rd 16; dc. Rd 17; dec 1, dc 14, dec 1, dc 4, dec 1, dc 17, dec 1, dc 3. 42. Rd 18; dc. Rd 19; (dec 1, dc 3, dec 1, dc 7), repeat twice. 36. Rd 20; dc. Rd 21; (dec 1, dc 2, dec 1, dc 6) repeat to end. 30. Rd 22; dc. Rd 23; (dec 1, dc 1, dec 1, dc 5) repeat to end. 24. Rd 24; dc.
On head A, ss from last to first and fasten off. On Head B (white) do not fasten off but put last stitch on a holder while fixing features and stuffing. On both heads position and fix eyes and nose, and stuff. Embroider whiskers with black yarn.
Using lilac, attach yarn to last stitch of Head B. Rd 1; dc. Rd 2; dc 5, inc 1, dc 11, inc 1, dc to end. 26. Rd 3; dc 1, inc 1, dc 12, inc 1, dc to end. 28. Rd 4; dc 5, inc 1, dc 1, inc 1, dc 11, inc 1, dc 1, inc 1, dc to end. 32. Rd 5; dc 7, inc 1, dc 13, inc 1, dc to end. 34. Rd 6; dc. Rd 7; dc 8, inc 1, dc 16, inc 1, dc to end. 36. Rd 8; dc 8, inc 1, dc 17, inc 1, dc to end. 38. Rd 9; dc. Rd 10; dc 9, inc 1, dc 18, inc 1, dc to end. 40. Rd 11; dc. Change colour to black. Rd 12; dc. Rd 13; dc 9, dec 1, dc 18, dec 1, dc to end. 38. Rd 14; dc. Rd 15; dc 8, dec 1, dc 17, dec 1, dc to end. 36. Rd 16; dc 8, dec 1, dc 16, dec 1, dc to end. 34. Rd 17; dc. Rd 18; dc 7, dec 1, dc 13, dec 1, dc to end. 32. Rd 19; dc 5, dec 1, dc 1, dec 1, dc 11, dec 1, dc 1, dec 1, dc to end. 28. Rd 20; dc 1, dec 1, dc 12, dec 1, dc to end. 26. Rd 21; dc 5, dec 1, dc 11, dec 1, dc to end. 24. Rd 22; dc. Ss from last to first and fasten off. Stuff body and stitch Head B in position facing same way as A.
EARS (make 2 red, 2 white)
Begin with magic ring, make 6dc into it. Rd 1: (inc 1, dc 1) to end. 9. Rd 2; (inc 1, dc 2) to end. 12. Rd 3; (inc 1, dc 3) to end. 15. Rd 4; (inc 1, dc 4) to end. 18. Rd 5; (inc 1, dc 5) to end. 21. Fasten off, stuff, and stitch to head.
BOW (make 1 lilac, 1 black or Twinkle black)
Part 1: make 8 chain. Rd 1; Work 1 dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc into next 5 chain, 3 dc into last chain. Turn so you are working down back of chain; work 5 dc, inc in last stitch. 16. Rd 2; (inc 1, dc 5, inc 1, dc 1), repeat. 20. Rd 3; (inc 1, dc 7, inc 1, dc 1), repeat. 24. Ss from last to first stitch, fasten off.
Part 2: make magic ring, work 6 dc into it. Rd 1; (inc 1, dc 1) to end. 9. Ss from last to first and fasten off.
Using length of same yarn, draw Part 1 up tightly at the centre and stitch to hold, leaving a long tail. Stitch Part 2 to centre of Part 1, then use tail to sew bow to head next to one ear.
ARMS (make 2 red/black, 2 white/lilac).
Begin with red for Devil Kitty, white for Angel Kitty. Make magic ring and work 6 dc into it. Rd 1; inc all round. 12. Change to lilac for angel, black for devil. Rd 2; dc through back loops only. Rd 3 - 14; dc. Rd 15; dc 3, dec 1, dc 3, dec 1, dc 2. 10. Fasten off, stuff and attach to body.
RUFF (make 1 in lilac or sparkling white, I in plain or sparkling black)
Make 8 chain. Row 1; dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc to end. 7. Row 2; ch 1 (does not count as stitch), dc into back loops of all dc. 7. Repeat Row 2 x 58 (you ma=y have to make it longer or shorter, depending how wide your kitty’s neck is and how thick your yarn; remember it is gathered up, so has to be wider than the actual neck measurement). Fasten off leaving very long tail. Using this and darning needle run yarn through row ends along one edge and gather up, not too tightly - you can check it by placing it round the neck and loosening or tightening as required. Position on neck with gathered edge at top and open ends at back, sew in position and finally sew first and last row together to form ruff seam.
(DEVIL - make 2)
Using red make 4 chain. Row 1; dc into 2nd ch from hook, dc to end. 3. Ch 1, turn. Row 2; dc 3, dc 4, turn. Row 3; dc into 2nd chain and next 2 chain, htr into 3 dc of last row. 6. Ch 1, turn. Row 4; dc 3, ch 5. Turn. Row 5; dc into 2nd ch from hook and next 3 ch, htr into 3 dc of last row. 7. Ch 1, turn. Row 6; dc 4, ch 6. Turn., Row 7; dc into 2nd ch and next 4 st, 4 htr. 9. Ch 3. Work 8 dc evenly along top edge opposite points, ss into 1st chain made and fasten off. Stitch to back.
(ANGEL - make 2)
Using white make 4 ch. Row 1; dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc to end. 3. Turn. Row 2; ss into 3 dc, make 3 ch. Turn. Row 3; dc into 2nd ch from hook, dc to end. 5. Turn. Row 4; ss into all 5 stitches, make 3 ch, turn. Row 5; dc into 2nd ch from hook, dc to end. 7. Turn. Row 6; ss into all 7 stitches, make 3 ch. Turn. Row 7; dc into 2nd ch from hook, dc to end. 9. Turn. Row 8; ss into all 9 stitches, make 3 ch. Turn. Row 9; dc into 2nd ch from hook, dc to end. 11. Do not turn. Make 3 chain, work 6 dc evenly along top edge to starting ch. Fasten off and stitch in place.
Using white make magic ring, work 6 dc into it. Rd 1; dc 2, inc 1, dc 2, inc 1. 8. Rd 2 - 4; dc. Fasten off, stuff lightly and stitch to outside of gown. (I recommend you attach the tails during working of the gowns, when they are about half the full length - it is easier to attach the tails before you have the full gown completed).
Using red, make 8 chain and join in a ring with ss. Rd 1; dc in every chain. 8. Rd 2 - 4; dc. Rd 5; dc 2, dec 1, dc 2, dec 1. 6. Rd 6; dec all round till gap is closed. Do not fasten off. Down side of tail work 2 dc, ch 3, turn. Dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc into 2 dc already made. Now work down opposite side making 2 dc and 3 chain. Turn. Work dc into 2nd chain from hook, dc 2, ss into next dc. Turn. Dec I, fasten off. Stuff and stitch to outside of gown.
GOWNS (Make 2 - 1 using black and black twinkle for devil, 1 using lilac and white twinkle for angel)
Using body colour, attach yarn to row immediately above colour change and work 40 dc evenly round waist, working around the stem of your original stitches where possible. Be sure you are working in the right direction to have your gown right side out, and keep an eye on the size - you may need to make it wider or narrower, longer or shorter, depending on your yarn.
Rd 1; dc. Rd 2; (dc 3, inc 1) to end. 50. Rd 3; dc. Rd 4; (dc 4, inc 1) to end. 60. Rd 5 - 7; dc. Rd 8; (dc 9, inc 1) to end. 66. Rd 9; dc. Rd 10; (dc 10, inc 1) to end. 72. Rd 11; dc. Rd 12; (dc 11, inc 1) to end. 78. Rd 13 - 15; dc. Rd 16; (dc 12, inc 1) to end. 84. Rd 17 - 32; dc. Change to sparkly yarn for frill. Rd 33; dc through back loops only. Rd 34; (dc 1, htr 1, tr 3 into next 2 st, htr 1, dc 1) to end. 140. Ss from last stitch to 1st and fasten off. You may wish to stitch the two gowns together at the bottom edge; if you do I recommend you attach them where the frills begin, using invisible thread if possible. But It is not essential to do this as it is quite easy to turn them over without it.
Monday, 25 May 2015
A Visit from Mr Hedges...
I know it isn't earth-shattering stuff but I just had to share these pics of the visitor I had in my garden this bright afternoon - first time I have seen one of them at any other time than dusk or very early morning (except that time one got stuck in a bin bag of textiles waiting for recycling, for some reason).
This pic was taken on zoom through the window;
This one I took outside, quite close to him. He did decide to go and hide in a bush, rather unsuccessfully, then the neighbour's cat came over to see what was going on so we had to go back in and hope the kitty left the hedgehog alone. I think he did, he's met the spikey ones before.
This pic was taken on zoom through the window;
This one I took outside, quite close to him. He did decide to go and hide in a bush, rather unsuccessfully, then the neighbour's cat came over to see what was going on so we had to go back in and hope the kitty left the hedgehog alone. I think he did, he's met the spikey ones before.
Friday, 22 May 2015
Trap Door - Berk
If, like me, you remember the old animated series 'The Trap Door', you may like my pattern for a cuddly toy version of Berk, who was one of my childhood heroes. I also did a pattern for Boney but that will come later (I hope!).
Requirements: 50 g blue dk, about 25 g white, small amount of black, plastic canvas. 3.5 hook.
BODY: using blue make magic ring and work 6 dc into it. Round 1: inc in every dc. 12 stitches. Rd 2: {1 dc, inc}, repeat to end. 18 stitches. Rd 3: {inc, 2 dc} to last 4 dc, dc to end. 24 stitches. Rd 4: dc, inc, {3 dc, inc} to last 2 dc, dc to end. 30 stitches. Rd 5 - 7: dc to end. Rd 8: {4 dc, dec} to end. 25 stitches. Rds 9 - 19: dc to end. Rd 11: 1 dc, dec, {3 dc, dec} to last 2 dc, dc to end. 20 stitches. Rds 12 - 14: dc to end. Rd 15: {dec, dc 2} to end. 15 stitches. Rd 16: {2 dc, dec} to end. 12 stitches. Stuff body to this point. Rd 17: {dc, dec} to end. 8 stitches. Fasten off leaving long tail. Stuff body right to top opening. Using yarn needle and long tail, run yarn through top 8 dc, draw up tightly and fasten off.
FEET (Make 2): using blue, make a magic ring and work 4 dc into it, making sure you leave a long tail. Round 1: inc in every stitch (8). Rd 2: dc 3, inc in next 2 dc, 3 dc. (10). Rd 3: dc 4, inc in next 2 dc, dc 4. (12). Rd 4: working in back loops only, dc all round. Insert plastic canvas cut to size of sole and anchor using the long tail you began with. Rds 5 - 6: dc to end. Rd 7: ss across next 3 dc, dc 1, dec 2, dc 1, ss across last 3 dc. (10). Stuff the foot now. Rd 8: ss across 3 dc, dec 2, ss to end and into first stitch of round. Fasten off and attach to body.
ARMS (Make 2): using blue, make 2 chain. Into second chain from hook work 4 dc. Rd 1: dc into every stitch (4). Rd 2: dc 1, inc, repeat. (6). Rds 3 - 5: dc in every stitch. Stuff upper arm lightly. Rd 6: dc 1, inc 2, dc 2. (9). At this point the left and right hands are formed. LEFT Hand: dc 3, turn. Work 2 rows dc onto these 3 stitches. On last row ss from 3rd to 1st dc. Now work 3 dc down the side of the thumb, joining row ends together. Work 2 rows of straight dc on 6 remaining stitches, turning at each row end. Now dc 2, turn, and work 3 rows of dc on just these two stitches. Turn sideways and work 3 dc down sides, joining row ends to make tube. Slipstitch from the base of this finger to the base of the thumb. Work the 2nd and 3rd fingers as the first, except that the second finger slipstitches from the base of that to the first finger, and the third to the second. Fasten off leaving tail. Stuff hand lightly and close up gap with tail. Attach to left side of body. RIGHT hand: work as for left except that on completion of the thumb, slipstitch across to the opposite side of the thumb, so you begin the first finger alongside the thumb. When you complete the first finger ss not to the thumb but to the unused dc next to it, and from the base of the third finger to the thumb base. Fasten off and stuff as for left, close up and attach to body.
EYES (Make 2). Using white make magic ring and work 6 dc into it. Rd 1: inc in every stitch (12). Rd 2: dec in every stitch (6). Fasten off leaving long tail. Thread through 6 dc and pull up tight and fasten off. Embroider pupil using black. Attach to top of head.
MOUTH: embroider with black.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Hello Kitty Victorian Wedding Couple
Requires: approx 300 g white, 100g light grey, 50g lilac DK yarn. Small scrap black yarn. Toy eyes and noses, unless you prefer to embroider them (in which case, more black yarn and small amount yellow). 3.5 hook. Toy stuffing. The pieces up to the point where I mark off for Bride and Groom are common to both toys, so make 2 heads, 4 ears etc.
Using white, make 8 chain. Work first round on both sides of chain. Rd 1; dc into next 7 chain, 3 dc into next chain. Dc into next 6 stitches, 2 dc into next. 18. From now until rd 8, join all rds. Rd2; (inc, dc 7, inc) to end. 24. Rd 3; (inc, dc 7, inc, dc, inc, dc) to end. 30. Rd 4; (inc, dc 8, inc, dc 2, inc, dc 2) to end. 36. Rd 5; (inc, dc 9, inc, dc 3, inc, dc 3) to end. 42. Rd 6; (inc, dc 10, inc, dc 4, inc, dc 4) to end. 48. Rd 7; (inc, dc 11, inc, dc 5, inc, dc 5) to end. 54. Rd 8 - 13; dc all round, do not join. Rd 14; (dec, dc 11, dec, dc 5, dec, dc 5) to end, join. 48. Rd 15; dc all round, do not join. Rd 16; (dec, dc 10, dec, dc 4, dec, dc 4) to end, join. 42. Rd 17; dc all round, do not join. Rd 18; (dec, dc 9, dec, dc 3, dec, dc 3) to end, join. 36. Rd 19; (dec, dc 8, dec, dc 2, dec, dc 2) to end, join. 30. Rd 20; (dec, dc 7, dec, dc, dec, dc) to end, join. 24. Rd 21; (dec, dc 4) to end, join. 20. Fasten off. If using toy eyes insert now. Position eyes on about 7 rows up and 7 stitches in from side - should be about 9 stitches between. Position nose between eyes about 5 rows up. Stuff head. Stitch 3 whiskers each side using black starting just above eye.
EARS (make 2)
Using white make magic ring. Rd 1; work 6 dc into ring, do not join. Rd 2; (inc, dc) to end. From now on join all rows. 9. Rd 3; (inc, dc 2) to end. 12. Rd 4; (inc, dc 3) to end. 15. Rd 5; (inc, dc 4) to end. 18. Rd 6; (inc, dc 5) to end. 21. Fasten off, stuff and stitch to head.
HANDS (make 2)
Using white make magic ring. Rd 1; 6 dc into ring, do not join. Rd 2; inc to end. Join. 12. Rd 3; (inc, dc) to end. Join. 18. Rd 4; dc to end. Rd 5; (dec, dc 4) to end, join. 15. Rd 6; dc to end. Rd 7; (dec, dc 3) to end, join. 12. Rd 8 - 11; dc to end. Rd 12; (dec, dc 2) to end, join. 9. Rd 13; (dec, dc) to end, join. 6. Fasten off. Stuff and stitch to body when completed.
Using white make magic ring. Rd 1; 6 dc into ring, do not join. Rd 2; inc to end, join. 12. Rd 3 - 4; dc to end. Fasten off. Stuff and stitch to body when complete.
Using lilac, make 8 chain (+ 1). Turn. Work 4 rows dc. Fasten off. Now make 4 chain (+ 1). Work 2 rows dc. Fasten off. Wrap smaller strip around centre of larger one, pulling tight to create bow effect, stitch base to secure..
Make in white for Kitty’s neck bow and in lilac for Daniel’s buttonhole. Make 9 chain. Work 2 half trebles into second chain, ss into next 2 ch, 2 htr into next, repeat to end and fasten off leaving tail. Now roll up this strip so it forms the flower, stitching into place tightly using the tail.
Using white, make magic ring. Rd 1; 6 dc into ring. Join all increase and decrease rounds from now on. Rd 2; inc o end. 12. Rd 3; (inc, dc) to end. 18. Rd 4; (inc, dc 2) to end. 24. Rd 5; (inc, dc 3) to end. 30. Rd 6; (inc, dc 4) to end. 36. Rd 7; (inc, dc 5) to end. 42. Rd 8; (inc, dc 6) to end. 48. Rd 9 - 11; dc to end. Rd 12; (dec, dc 6) to end. 42. Rd 13; dc to end. Rd 14; (dec, dc 5) to end. 36. Rd 15; dc to end. Rd 16; (dec, dc 4) to end. 30. Rd 17; dc to end. Rd 18; (dec, dc 4) to end. 25. Rd 19; dc to end. Rd 20; (dec, dc 3) to end. 20. Rd 21; dc to end. Fasten off. Rejoin yarn to row 14 and work through stitches of that row. Rd 1; dc to end. 36. Rd 2; (inc, dc 5) to end. 42. Rd 3; (inc, dc 6) to end. 48. Rd 4; (inc, dc 7) to end. 54. Rd 5; (inc, dc 8) to end. 60. Rd 6; (inc, dc 9) to end. 66. Rd 7; dc. Rd 8; (inc, dc 10) to end. 72. Rd 9; dc. Rd 10; (inc, dc 11) to end. 78. Rd 11; dc. Rd 12; (inc, dc 12) to end. 84. Change to lilac. Rd 13 - 15; dc. Change back to white. Rd 16; dc. Rd 17; (inc, dc 3) to end. 105. Rd 18; dc. Rd 19; (inc, dc 4) to end. 126. Rd 20; (dc, work 1 htr and 1 treble into next stitch, 2 dtr into next, 1 tr + 1 htr into next, dc, ss into next) repeat to end. 21 repeats, 189 stitches. Fasten off. Stitch head, hands and legs to body when completed.
FEET (Make 2)
Using white make 6 chain. Work around both sides of chain. Rd 1; dc into next 4 chain, 3 dc into next chain, dc 3, 2 dc into next chain. 12. Rd 2; (inc, dc 3, inc) to end, join. 18. Rd 3 - 11; dc. Fasten off. Stuff and stitch to body.
Use for bouquet and flower on Kitty’s head bow. Using lilac make 11 chain (+ 1). Work ( 2 htr into next chain, ss into next, 2) to end. Fasten off leaving tail. Roll around as for small flowers and secure.
For Kitty’s dress. Using lilac make 15 ch (+ 1). Work as for medium flowers, but work 2 ss between htrs. Roll up and secure as before, stitch to front of dress above lilac band.
For the frill around the bouquet. Using white, make magic ring. Rd 1; work 6 dc into ring. Rd 2; inc to end, join. 12. Rd 3; (ss into next stitch, ch 4) to end. Fasten off. Now stitch 3 lilac medium flowers into centre of bouquet and sew bouquet to hands.
Using white make 22 chain (+ 1). Row 1; dc to end. 22. Row 2; ch 3, tr2 into next stitch, (3 tr in next). Repeat ()to end. 66. Row 3; ch 3, tr in next stitch, (2 tr in next stitch) to end. 132. Fasten off. Stitch in place around neck. Sew neck bow in place on front, having secured flower to centre strip on bow first.
Using lilac make 12 chain (+ 1). Work 6 rows dc onto these chain, fasten off. Now using lilac make 9 chain (+ 1). Dc into each to end. Fasten off. Wind narrow strip round centre of wider on to form bow and secure. Stitch white medium flower to this strip. Sew bow to head next to left ear. Your bride is now complete.
FEET (Make 2)
Using white make 6 chain + 1. Work around both sides of chain. Rd 1; dc 5, 3 dc in next stitch, dc 4, 2 dc in next st. 14. Rd 2; (inc, dc 4, inc 2) to end, join. 20. Rd 3; (inc, dc 5, inc, dc, inc, dc) to end, join. 26. Rd 4; (dec, dc 2, dec) to end, join. 20. Rd 5; (dec, dc 8) to end. 18. Rd 6 - 7; dc to end. Change to grey. Rd 8 - 15; dc to end. Fasten off. Stuff feet and join together at top with 2 stitches; your legs should be open tubes linked at the ‘groin’.
Rejoin grey to legs and work 36 dc all round top of both legs to form first row of body. Rd 1 - 7; dc. Change to white. Rd 8; (dec, dc 7) to end, join. 32. Rd 9; dc. Rd 10; (dec, dc 6) to end, join. 26. Rd 11; dc to end. Rd 12; (dec, dc 5) to end, join. 20. Rd 13; dc to end. Fasten off. Attach head, tail, bowtie and arms to body.
VEST (Make 2)
Using lilac make 2 chain + 1. Row 1; dc in next 2 chain, ch1, turn. 2. Rd 2; inc, dc 1, ch 1, turn. 3. Continue increase at beginning of each row till you have 9 stitches. Work 3 rows dc. Next row; dec, dc 1, dec, turn. 3. Next row; dec, dc 1, turn. 2. Last row; dec. Fasten off. Stitch in place on front of body so one piece slightly overlaps the other. Work ‘buttons’ by stitching with white yarn.
Using grey, make 11 chain + 1. Back. Row 1; dc to end. 11. Turn. Row 2 - 4; dc to end. Row 5; inc, dc 9, inc, ch 4, turn. 13 + 4. Row 6; work dc into 2nd chain and next 2 chain, dc to end, ch 4, turn. 16 + 4. Row 7; dc into 2nd chain, dc into next 2 chain and each dc to end. Ch 1, turn. 19. Rows 8 - 15; dc. Fasten off. Right front. Rejoin yarn to beginning of this piece with right side facing and work 3 dc, ch 1, turn. 3. Row 2 - 3; dc 3, ch 1, turn. Row 4; inc, dc 2, ch 1, turn. 4. Row 5; dc 3, inc, ch 1, turn. 5. Row 6; inc, dc 4, ch 1, turn. 6. Row 7; dc to end, ch 1, turn. Row 8; inc 1, dc 4, inc into next stitch, ch 1, turn. 8. Row 9 - 15; dc. SS side seam together from bottom to row 6 of back. Fasten off. Left front. Reattach to beginning of back piece on opposite side to right front and work as given for right front, reversing shapings. Fasten side seam as before. Sleeves (make 2). Using lilac make 21 chain, join. Rd 1; work 21 dc into chain. Change to grey. Rd 2; dc 12, dec 2, dc 3, dec. 18. Rd 3; dc 14, dec 2. 16. Rd 4; dc 14, dec. 15. Rd 5; dc to end. SS into place on main jacket. Lapels. Starting 4 rows up, attach grey to right front and work dc evenly up front, round neck and down left front to 4 rows up on that side. Turn. Work 2 rows dc. Fasten off. Fold out lapels so they lie flat. Reattach lilac to bottom edge of jacket and work dc up front edge, across bottom of lapel and up the side till you are about 4 stitches up from the start of the lapel. Now dc across 3 stitches together so you create a v shape in lapel. Work dc along rest of lapel and round neck till you reach the point opposite your v, and work another decrease over 3 here to match you first. Continue to bottom edge and fasten off. Sew buttonhole to jacket.
Using grey make magic ring. Rd 1; work 6 dc into ring. Rd 2; inc in each. 12. Rd 3; (inc, dc 1) to end. 18. Rd 4; (inc, dc 2) to end. 24. Rd 5; working into back loops only, dc all round. Rd 6; dc to end. Rd 7; (dec, dc 2). 18. Rd 8; dc. Rd 9; (dec, dc 1) to end. 12. Rd 10; dc to end. Rd 11; dec all round. 6. Rd 12; inc, dc 1, inc 2, dc 1, inc. Join. 10. Rd 13; inc, dc 3, inc 2, dc 3, inc. 14. Join. Rd 14; inc, dc 5, inc 2, dc 5, inc. 19. Join, Fasten off. Stuff tube of hat. Using lilac make 18 ch. Work 1 row dc, fasten off. Stitch band in place round hat and sew in place. Your groom is now finished.
Saturday, 9 May 2015
VE Day- A Time to Remember
Just a note in memory of all the victims of World War II; we must never forget, nor allow the terrible truth behind the battles to be re-written for modern political expediency, or history may well repeat itself. And a toast to all the heroes who helped defeat the Nazis and their Axis allies: to the soldiers and the sailors and the airmen; to the resistance fighters and the intelligence agents; to the underground networks who helped people to freedom; to the civilians who kept the supplies flowing and the farms growing, fought the fires and cleared the rubble, tended the injured and buried the dead. Here's to all of you, and especially to those whose roles are being downgraded or even forgotten in the name of politics. A toast to you, and as for those whose roles are being sanitised and concealed - Hitler's heirs will not succeed. The guilty will never be washed clean of their guilt, and the true heroes will not be smeared with shame.
"The world has never seen greater devotion, determination and self-sacrifice than have been displayed by the Russian people... With a nation that in saving itself is thereby helping to save all the world from the Nazi menace, this country of ours should always be glad to be a good neighbor and a sincere friend..." US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, July 28th, 1943
"The world has never seen greater devotion, determination and self-sacrifice than have been displayed by the Russian people... With a nation that in saving itself is thereby helping to save all the world from the Nazi menace, this country of ours should always be glad to be a good neighbor and a sincere friend..." US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, July 28th, 1943
Sunday, 3 May 2015
Cuddly Pockets Toy Holder
My daughter has a huge collection of cuddly toys and very limited space in her room so I created this patchwork hanger to house some of them and use up oddments of yarn. It was designed so a length of dowelling can be inserted in the top and it can be hung from an over-door hanger; but you could substitute a spring-loaded curtain rod of suitable length and hang it in an alcove or wardrobe. or miss off the hanger and add a simple edging to make it into a throw for a small bed or chair. I decorated each pocket with things I had around - crochet flowers made from yarn scraps, sew-on motifs, badges and beads and buttons. You can personalise it for your child with a colour or decor scheme, or by sewing on their name in felt letters.
Yarn - approx 20g DK per pocket, 20g DK for top edging on hanger, 100g for edging on throwover
Hook / Needles - 3.5mm
Sundries - buttons, badges, motifs etc for decorating pockets; dowelling, over door hanger (optional)
INSTRUCTIONS (Given in UK notation)
You can use these pockets as a hanger. For this you will also need a length of dowelling at least as wide as your finished hanger and something like an over-door hanger or other hooks. Or it can be a throw for a bed or chair, in which case you will need extra yarn for the edging.
To make the pockets, take any colour of DK and make 55 chain. Dc into second chain from hook, dc to end (54 stitches). Turn. Work 18 rows of dc on this foundation. Fold pocket in half and work dc evenly through the row ends of both sides and thus creating a side seam. Work through both sides in dc along the bottom edge, then work up the opposite side so it has a seam to match the first side. You can make any number of pockets but I would recommend four to a row, and six rows if you intend to hang it up; once the toys are tucked into their pockets, it will weigh quite a lot and you will find it may stretch or even break.
Joining pockets: to join two pockets, do not fasten off when you have completed the seam on the second pocket but put the side edge you have just completed against the side edge of the previous pocket, making sure the opening is at the top. Dc the two pocket sides together (there should be a ridge at the back of the pockets). If you are working the first row, fasten off. If not, continue to dc along the bottom edge of the pocket just made, linking it to the top back edge of the pocket below. You may find it helps to put something in the lower pocket as you work to ensure you do not accidentally crochet it shut; I used a rolled up pair of socks. Fasten off when you have joined these two edges and sew in the ends as you go. Decorate each pocket if desired as you complete them.
Top edge (hanger): dc along the top back edge of the final row of pockets, making sure you have an even number of stitches, and keeping a note of this number. You can use any colour for this - I used one that had not been used for any of the pockets, but you could if you have enough yarn simply carry on with the colour of the last completed pocket. Work at least six rows of dc depending how many pockets you have to support (I made 10 rows). To make the support loops, turn and dc 5. On these five stitches work as many rows as there are in your top edging band. You can either fasten off, leaving a long tail, or if the last row brings you to the opposite side as the unworked top edge stitches, slipstitch the bottom of the loop to the back of the second row of the top edge, then slipstitch up the side of the loop and dc along the top edge to make a gap, then work another loop row. As long as you space your loops evenly and make sure there is a loop at each end of the edge, there is no strict rule for how many you need or how wide the gaps should be; I had 116 stitches along the top edge, and ended up with 12 loops and ten spaces in between. Slide your dowelling rod into these loops and hang it over your hooks making sure the hooks go into the gaps and not through your stitching.
Edging (throw): dc evenly around all four edges of the complete pockets, working three dc into each corner stitch. On the next row work three trebles into each dc (five into the centre of the three corner dc) to create a ruffled effect.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
Happy St George's Day!
I haven't posted anything in a long time, largely because of serious family crises, but I have resolved to start again and post up at least once a week. This seemed an auspicious day to start, so a Happy St George's Day to all!
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